
Archived news from 2013-2018
December 2018: Kenneth Booker deposited his outstanding Honors Capstone Thesis on macrocyclic NRF2 activators. Congratulations, Kenneth!
November 2018: Congratulations to Zamia Siddiqui on winning the Barbara J. Morley Woman’s Scholarship from the Midwest Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists!
October 2018: Congratulations to Kenneth Booker on his Honorable Mention Poster Prize at the Black Doctoral Network Conference in Charlotte!
October 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Ben Richardson on his successful dissertation defense! Best of luck in your postdoc at The Scripps Research Institute Florida!
October 2018: Congratulations to Kornelia Skowron on her review on constrained helical peptides, which was published in Medicinal Research Reviews!
August 2018: Welcome to Chang Cheng and Simone Creed, two first-year students doing a rotation in the lab!
August 2018: Lab outing day!
August 2018: Our work on NRF2 activators, headed by Ben Richardson, was accepted for publication at The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry!
July 2018: Brian David gave a talk on his work with MALDI imaging at the 2018 Chicago Mass Spec Day!
July 2018: Thanks to ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, who featured Brian David's paper on the cover!
June 2018: Check out the profile that the UIC Cancer Center wrote on our work!
May 2018: Terry gave a talk at Eindhoven University of Technology. Dr. Luc Brunsveld was his host.
May 2018: We bid farewell to Tom Speltz, who's doing a postdoc with Raymond Moellering at the University of Chicago. Best of luck, Tom!
May 2018: Congrats to Brian David on his new paper in ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters!
May 2018: Terry gave a talk at the University of Kansas Department of Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Blake Peterson was his host.
April 2018: Congratulations, Dr. Speltz, on a successful dissertation defense!
April 2018: Terry gave a talk at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Carrie Haskell-Luevano was his host.
April 2018: Congratulations to Tom Speltz and collaborator Chris Mayne on their new paper in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry!
April 2018: Terry gave a talk at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan. He was hosted by Dr. Amanda Garner.
April 2018: Congrats to Brian David on passing his prelim exam!
March 2018: Terry gave a talk in the MEDI New Investigator Symposium at the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans.
March 2018: Brian gave a poster on his work in imaging mass spectrometry to visualize peptides and small molecules in tumor explants at the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans.
March 2018: Terry gave a talk at ENDO 2018, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, in Chicago
March 2018: Terry gave a talk at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. He was hosted by Dr. Kevin Tidgewell.
March 2018: Terry gave a talk at the National Cancer Institute, in Frederick, MD. Dr. Federico Bernal was his host.
March 2018: Yuki Hosono, a student at the University of Tokyo, visited the lab as part of his MERIT program visit to Chicago.
March 2018: Terry gave a talk in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Purdue University. Dr. Darci Trader was his host.
February 2018: Terry gave a talk in the Chemistry Department at Virginia Tech. Dr. Paul Carlier was his host.
February 2018: Terry gave a talk in the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Southern California. Dr. Tiger Zhang was his host.
February 2018: Terry gave a talk and a poster at the Chemistry and Biology of Peptides Gordon Research Conference.
February 2018: Congratulation to two lab members who won awards at the 2018 College of Pharmacy Research Day: Tom Speltz won the American Association of Pharmacetical Scientists (AAPS) Student Chapter Choice Award and Ben Richardson won the Chemistry: Discovery, Modeling, Design & Evaluation of Novel Drugs; Detection & Delivery Systems Second place award!
January 2018: Terry was awarded the 2017 UIC Rising Star Researcher of the Year Award for the Basic Life Sciences! (photo by Jenny Fontaine)
January 2018: Congratulations to Tom Speltz on his paper that was recently accepted for publication at ACS Chemical Biology!
October 2017: Congratulations to Brian David, who won a "Top Poster" award at the UIC Diabetes and Obesity Research Day, for his work on Nrf2 activators in diabetic wound healing!
August 2017: Welcome to two new rotation students in the lab, Amanda Maldonado and Kornelia Skowron!
August 2017: Congratulations to Zamia Siddiqui, who won the best poster award at the College of Pharmacy Summer Research Minisymposium!
August 2017: Zohra Sattar leaves the lab as a SURF fellow to finish her final undergraduate year at Northern Illinois University. Great job, Zohra!
August 2017: We bid farewell to Jasmine Harris, who was a ResearcHStart student in the lab over the summer. She is starting her first year of college at UIC this year!
August 2017: Moore Lab summer outing at Six Flags!
June 2017: Congratulations to Kenneth Booker, who won a Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Award!
June 2017: We bid farewell to Rohit De, a ResearcHStart program fellow in the lab. In addition to being valedictorian of Whitney Young Magnet High School class of 2017, Rohit is also a National Merit Scholar. He will be attending the University of Texas at Dallas. Good luck, Rohit!
June 2017: Welcome to Zohra Sattar, an undergraduate from Northern Illinois University, who is doing research in the lab as an ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow! Zohra has been an undergraduate researcher in the lab of Dr. Timothy Hagen at NIU.
May 2017: Congratulations to Zamia Siddiqui on being awarded a Riback PharmD Summer Research Award!
April 2017: Our R01 grant proposal, "Non-covalent Nrf2 activators for the treatment of chronic wounds," was recently funded by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases! The Co-investigators on this grant are Luisa DiPietro, Sekhar Reddy, and Seungpyo Hong.
April 2017: Terry gave a talk at the Drug Discovery Chemistry conference in the Macrocycles and Constrained Peptides track in San Diego.
April 2017: Terry gave a talk at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Northern Illinois University, where he was hosted by Sydney Watkins and Timothy Hagen.
April 2017: Tom Speltz gave a talk at the 253rd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, with the support of a CCG Excellence Award from the Chemical Computing Group.
April 2017: The MooreLab attended the MIKI meeting at the University of Minnesota. Congrats to Tom Speltz, who won an oral presentation award!
February 2017: Terry won the Vahlteich Research Award at the 2017 College of Pharmacy Research Day! Thank you to the Vahlteich/Delaney Family for funding this award.
February 2017: Congrats to Tom Speltz, who won the Controlled Release Society (CRS) Student Chapter Choice Award for his poster at the College of Pharmacy Research Day!
February 2017: Welcome to Kenneth Booker, an undergraduate at UIC who has joined the lab as a researcher!
January 2017: Congrats to Tom Speltz and Brian David! Tom won the W.E. van Doren Scholar award, and Brian won the Professor Ludwig Bauer Scholarship from the UIC College of Pharmacy! Great job!
December 2016: Congrats to Tom Speltz, who won a Chemical Computing Group Research Excellence Student Travel Award from the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of the American Chemical Society to attend the Spring 2017 ACS Meeting. Thanks, CCG!
December 2016: Congratulations to Zamia Siddiqui, who was awarded a Chancellor's Graduate Research Award from the Graduate College!
October 2016: Congrats to Tom Speltz, who successfully passed his prelim exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate!
October 2016: Congrats to Atul Jain and Liang Yin, who are co-authors on a collaborative paper in Chemistry - A European Journal with Drs. Miller, Driver and Thatcher on H2S detection.
September 2016: Welcome to Liang Yin, a new postdoctoral fellow in the lab!
September 2016: Congratulations to Ben Richardson on being awarded an Advancing Science travel grant to attend the NOBCChE National Conference!
August 2016: We participated in the the Big 10 5K in downtown Chicago:
July 2016: Welcome to Zamia Siddiqui, a new PharmD/PhD student in the College, who is working in our lab this summer!
July 2016: Welcome to Rohit De, who is volunteering in our lab this summer as part of the ResearcHStart program!
June 2016: It's a bittersweet time in the lab as we see Atul Jain off to a new position as a Staff Scientist at the Northwestern University Center for Molecular Innovation and Drug Discovery!! Congratulations, Atul!
May 2016: Welcome to Tahnee Muller, a University of Chicago undergraduate, who will be joining the lab this summer as a Jeff Metcalf Intern!
May 2016: Congratulations to Ewelina Choma on being named a Riback Fellow for Summer 2016!
April 2016: Congratulations to Ben Richardson on passing his preliminary exam!
April 2016: Congratulations to Tom Speltz on winning the MIKI 2016 Poster Presentation award!
April 2016: Terry presented a poster at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
March 2016: Check out our cover in Angewandte Chemie! Great job on the design, Chris Mayne!
February 2016: Congratulations to Tom Speltz on being named a W. E. van Doren Scholar and for winning a poster presentation award at the UIC College of Pharmacy Research Day!
February 2016: Congratulations to Tom Speltz! His manuscript was accepted for publication as a "Hot Paper" at Angewandte Chemie International Edition!
February 2016: Terry attended the Chemistry and Biology of Peptides GRC in Ventura, CA.
January 2016: Terry gave a talk at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Chemistry.
January 2016: Welcome to a new undergraduate researcher, Patrick Nwanah!
November 2015: Terry gave a talk at Depaul University Department of Chemistry.
September 2015: We are grateful to the Michael Reese Research and Education Foundation for funding our work on Nrf2 (with Prof. Sekhar Reddy).
August 2015: Congratulations to Atul and Ben on their manuscript being accepted for publication at European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry!
August 2015: Terry and Ben both presented posters at the 250th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.
August 2015: The lab had an outing at Six Flags Great America!
August 2015: Terry attended the NIGMS-sponsored New Faculty in Organic and Biological Chemistry workshop in Dallas, Texas.
July 2015: Prof. Sekhar Reddy and Terry were awarded a Chancellor's Discovery Fund award.
July 2015: Terry and Tom attended the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy annual meeting in National Harbor, Maryland. Terry gave a talk and a poster, and Tom was a Walmart Scholar.
June 2015: Terry gave a poster at the Bioorganic Gordon Research Conference in Andover, New Hampshire.
June 2015: Ewelina Choma, a P1 student at UIC, joined the group as a research assistant. Welcome, Ewelina!
May 2015: Ishmael Ochir, an undergraduate student majoring in biochemistry at UIC, recently joined the lab on a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), funded by ASPET. Welcome, Ishmael!
May 2015: Brian David, a first year student in medicinal chemistry, joined the lab. Brian graduated from Siena College in Albany, NY. Welcome, Brian!
April 2015: Tom Speltz and Terry recently attended the Drug Discovery Chemistry conference 2015. Tom gave a poster talk on his stapled peptide work.
April 2015: Congratulations to Kirthi Bellamkonda on being accepted into Oxford University's MSc in Global Health Science! Kirthi will begin this program in the fall of 2015.
April 2015: Congratulations to Ben Richardson, Atul Jain and Tom Speltz on their Digest, "Non-electrophilic modulators of the canonical Keap1/Nrf2 pathway," which was recently accepted for publication at Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters!
April 2015: Congratulations to Tom Speltz on being named an AACP Walmart Scholar! This award provides funds for Tom to attend the 2015 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy National Meeting.
February 2015: Atul Jain won the second place Innovation Prize from Innovate@UIC for his poster at the COP Research Day. Congratulations, Atul!
February 2015: Congratulations to Ben Richardson and Tom Speltz on being named W. E. van Doren Scholars in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy!
January 2015: Congratulations to Tom Speltz on receiving a fellowship on UIC's T32 training grant: Research Training in Natural Products Complementary and Alternative Medicine!
December 2014: Congratulations to Terry on being chosen Teacher of the Semester by the College of Pharmacy Class of 2018!
December 2014: Our proposal with Drs. Geof Greene and Jonna Frasor, "Photoaffinity-based Protein Profiling Approach to Discover Estrogen Receptor/Coactivator Inhibitors," was approved for funding by the Chicago Biomedical Consortium!
November 2014: Congratulations to Kirthi Bellamkonda on being awarded an Honors College Research Grant.
September 2014: Terry is a co-investigator on a UH2 grant funded by the NHLBI: Therapeutic Targeting of Carotid Body Chemoreflex for Sleep Disordered Breathing. Dr. Nanduri Prabhakar is the contact PI, and Dr. Pavel Petukhov and Dr. Greg Thatcher are the UIC PIs.
August 2014: We recently presented two posters on non-electrophilic Nrf2 activators; Terry presented at the Medicinal Chemistry Gordon Research Conference in New London, NH, and Dr. Atul Jain presented at the 248th American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco.
June 2014: We received an HTS award from the Chicago Biomedical Consortium, along with Drs. Jason Hickok and Nanduri Prabhakar, for our proposal, "Inhibition of cystathionine-γ-lyase as a therapeutic approach for relief of sleep disordered breathing."
May 2014: Welcome to Ben Richardson, a graduate student in medicinal chemistry who recently graduated with his bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago!
May 2014: Welcome to Tom Speltz, a graduate student in medicinal chemistry who recently graduated with his master's degree from DePaul University!
January 2014: Congratulations to Terry on receiving a New Investigator Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy!
November 2013: Welcome to Dr. Atul Jain, a postdoc who recently graduated with his Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University! Atul received his Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Richard Glennon.