November 2019: Congratulations to Phil Lazzara and Brian David, whose paper was published in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry!
August 2019: We bid a fond farewell to Dr. Lara Fakhori, an assistant professor at the Jordan University of Science and Technology, who completed a mini-sabbatical in the lab over the summer. Dr. Fakhori was incredibly hard-working and productive during her time in the lab.
August 2019: Terry was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at UIC!
August 2019: We wish Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship student Ipsita Krishnamurthy all the best as she heads back to Portland for her final year at Reed College!
August 2019: We wish UIC MD/PhD student and Moore Lab rotation student Kyle Kremiller the best of luck as he starts his MD studies!
August 2019: Congratulations to Ipsita Krishnamurthy, a SURF student in the lab, who won the best poster prize at the UIC College of Pharmacy Research Mini-Symposium!
July 2019: Terry, along with Drs. Popovich, Awe, Crawford, Vellurattil, Schriever, and Balcazar, was awarded the Rufus Lyman Award at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy annual meeting in Chicago for the best paper in The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
July 2019: Group outing to Starved Rock State Park!
June 2019: Welcome to Ipsita Krishnamurthy, an undergraduate at Reed College, who is completing a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in the Moore lab!
June 2019: Congratulations to Kornelia (and everyone else in the lab) on our review in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology!
May 2019: Welcome to Dr. Lara Fakhouri, an assistant professor at the Jordan University of Science and Technology, who is doing a mini-sabbatical in the Moore Lab this summer!
May 2019: Welcome to Kyle Kremiller, an incoming MD/PhD student at UIC, who is doing a rotation in our lab this summer!
May 2019: We are happy for Kenneth Booker, as he completed his undergraduate degree at UIC magna cum laude. But we're sad to see him go! Best of luck in your master's program in science education at UIC!
May 2019: Congratulations to Brian David, who was chosen to do a summer internship at Unnatural Products, a startup company in Santa Cruz! Brian's internship is provided by the UIC's Pharmacology Industry Internships for PhD Students (PIIPS) program, sponsored by ASPET.
May 2019: Congratulations to Kornelia Skowron, who was awarded an ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry Predoctoral Fellowship!
April 2019: Terry was named to the Early Career Board of ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters.
April 2019: Congratulations to Kenneth Booker, who won an Honors Council Award from the UIC Honors College, for his Honors Capstone Thesis!
April 2019: Great job to Brian David and Kornelia Skowron, who presented an oral presentation and a poster, respectively, at MIKIW 2019! Brian is pictured, presenting his talk. Chang, Terry, Brian, and Kornelia are pictured at the MIKIW Saturday night reception.
April 2019: Congratulations to Phil Lazzara and Kenneth Booker. Phil presented an oral presentation and Kenneth presented a poster on their work with NRF2 activators at the Spring 2019 ACS Meeting in Orlando.
March 2019: Welcome to our newest lab member, Chang Cheng!
February 2019: Congratulations to Brian David, who won the Innovate@UIC First Place poster award, sponsored by the Office of Technology Management, at the College of Pharmacy Research Day!
February 2019: Congratulations to Kornelia Skowron, who won the Professor Ludwig Bauer Scholarship at the College of Pharmacy Research Day!